How to Create an Effective CV that will Stand Out to Employers

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Updating your CV and not sure where to start?   Preparing your professional document will be hands-down the most important step in your next big career move. But yet, there is distinct lack of transparency around what will be most useful to prospective employers, creating confusion and subsequently – many candidates will leave it until…

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How to Stand Out From the Rest When Interviewing

man sitting on chair beside laptop computer and teacup

This is not a list of dos and don’ts, but more a guide to making the right impression. Most, if not all legal industry professionals are aware that the market is candidate short. Although good private practice experience is few and far between, it does not mean interviewing well is not a factor. Standing out…

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Why Staying in Public Practice can be a Good Career Move

person in black suit jacket holding white tablet computer

There are many things to consider before moving from one Chartered Accounting firm to another. At Fluid Recruitment we deal with many candidates who are looking at making this transition. We know the reasons why people look to make a switch, the biggest challenges they face when doing so and the opportunities that are available.…

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“The Great Resignation – Is it happening and when?”

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  As a recruiter, it is difficult not to follow the news and “expert insight” around the Great Resignation, when it is happening and what this will likely mean…. Having worked in the recruitment industry for over 16 years I am used to certain levels of hype and speculation from time to time, and at…

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Recruitment Fees and Fine Art

blue, black, and orange abstract painting

As a recruiter I am asked to justify placement fees every day. I have spoken to a number of business owners and hiring managers that simply refuse to believe there’s any return on investment. Naturally, I beg to differ.   The fact of the matter is there are some recruiters out there that simply advertise…

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